Be sure to follow the instruction guidelines with particular attention to lawful basis and check-out the Augustus Hall Limited guarantee.

Competitively Priced Open Source Intelligence Investigations
Links Between Subjects
Links Between Subjects from /subject
The intelligence gathered shall highlight the links between the social media accounts identified for each Subject.
Personal Injury & Fraudulent Insurance Claims
Personal Injury & Fraudulent Insurance Claims from /subject
The intelligence gathered shall highlight the activity and lifestyle of the Subject(s), after a particular incident.
Due Diligence
Due Diligence from /subject
Extensive social media research
Contact details
Other on-line research: newspaper articles, forums, blogs, websites
Corporate research: details about the subject's companies (shareholdings & directorships)
Residential status and co-habitants
Land & property details, including co-owners
Adverse Credit History Checks for the UK
Known Associates (your instruction should specify the associate by type)
Pre SueÂ
Pre Sue from /subject
Social media research including details of any financial relevance
Contact details
Other on-line research: newspaper articles, forums, blogs, websites
Corporate research: details about the subject's companies (shareholdings & directorships)
Residential status and co-habitants
Land & property details, including co-owners
Adverse Credit History Checks for the UK
Social Media ResearchÂ
Social Media Research from /subject
Extensive social media research
Contact details
Other on-line research: newspaper articles, forums, blogs, websites
Minimum details about the subject's companies
Track & TraceÂ
Track & Trace from /subject
Identification of the subject's current and previous address and their current UK contact details.
General Intelligence GatheringÂ
General Intelligence Gathering from /subject
Research shall comply with any limitations provided by the client in the instruction.
Social Media Account IdentificationÂ
Social Media Account Identification from /e-mail address or mobile phone number
Social Media Accounts identified
This service provides raw intel number corroboration & no verification that the identified account is assigned to a person that might be the subject of your investigation.
The service is intended to provide a lead to commence an investigation.Â
Where you might choose to use any raw intel provided by this low cost service, as an end solution, you do so at your own risk.
Our Service Terms & Condition
Having access to this type of private data, however, comes with rules, criteria, regulatory compliances, due processes, official approvals, administrative protocols, restrictions, usage terms & conditions, & other regulations governing it.
Augustus Hall Limited may officially reject your applications or orders based on the aforesaid, & for many other reasons, or criteria that does not conform to our objectives, principles, ethics, norms, standards, generally accepted practice.
Such request for Verifications Services are only granted or carried out or conducted solely for strictly verified entities, receiver, beneficiary, or recipient with vetted aims & objectives of which the ultimate utility of such verification service is vetted & traced to fulfilling generally accepted principles, aims, & objectives as regards to Risk Assessment, Risk Valuation, Risk Control, Risk Mitigation, Risk Management, Risk Intelligence, Risk-based Decisioning, etc.; which altogether must be seen to amount to transparency, restorations & preservations of Trust, Value, Assets, Investments, Common Wealth, Security, Integrity, Ethics, Governance, Business Development, Business Continuity Management, Business Sustainability Management, Humanity, Equity, Balance, etc.
Our Due Diligence Capabilities & Access are Wide Ranging.
For more information on how we can provide further insight for you, your business, or your clients, we would encourage you to contact us to Buy Now or Subscribe or Discover more.